I Knew the Meaning of Life

I knew the meaning of life. Oh, maybe it was just that overdose of cough syrup that I had when I got the flu. Whatever it was, it felt like I was the master of all reality. The next morning, I couldn’t remember anything.

Wow, the meaning of life. How do we even begin to approach an idea as grand as that? If we knew the meaning of life, it seems that all of our problems should disappear in a cloud of smoke.

What do we mean when we are talking about the meaning of life? That is a question that has been asked for thousands of years.
I must make something clear at this point. This article really isn’t a great philosophical work or anything. There are enough philosophies in the world already.

Instead of talking about the “meaning of life” maybe we should focus on things that can give meaning “to” your life. Wow, my job just got a lot easier!

If we were going to talk about the meaning of life, I suppose the approach that you would take would be based on your personal beliefs. If you believe in God, or a higher power I suppose that you would have a certain viewpoint. If you were an atheist or agnostic, I guess your belief would be quite different.

Well, there is good news. Since we are not really looking at the “meaning of life”, we can find help in a lot more places.

When you think about the meaning of life, you might start thinking about things like, why am I here, what am I supposed to be doing, what is my place in the world, etc. The ultimate question might be; does life hold any meaning?

The two largest areas of interest that deal with ideas concerning the meaning of life are philosophy and religion.

In the past decade it seems like both religion and philosophy have fallen by the wayside.

A large number of people seem to have no interest in religion or philosophy. Many people feel that religion is only needed if you are a week or feeble mind.

My personal belief is that you do what you feel the calling or urge to do. Never do something based on peer pressure or what someone else tells you that you should do.

Look at each and every aspect of your life. Do you feel like there is something that would make your life richer or more fulfilled? Do not limit your life based on the prejudice, negativity or fears of someone else.

There is meaning to life. The thing that is most important is that there should be meaning to your own life. We are all given twenty four hours per day. Use your time wisely and don’t waste it. Your life is what you want to make of it.

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