I Am a Mormon

I converted to Mormonism. These are the most terrific, honest, open, happy people you have ever met and being around them makes it easy to explain why one would convert. I could not help knowing there was a Spirit in their midst.

No one would ever guess I would become a Mormon if you looked at my life 10 years ago. I was a devout New Age woman who believed in the Universe and good karma. I had taken a portion of each religion I liked and made it my own. I took reincarnation from the Hindus, meditation from the Buddhists, and social consciousness from the Quakers. And this was all thrown together with a good bit of self-help and a large portion of the 12 Steps.

My husband was baptized into the LDS Church as a teenager so he introduced me to it. We began receiving lessons from the missionaries that are assigned to our area. A few months later, my mother died unexpectedly. She was in good health and we all thought she would live to be 100, like her mother. My reaction after her death was child-like. I became afraid, alone, and scared. I wondered what happened to her and if she was alright. The doctrine of the Church comforted me. I asked the question in my prayers that the missionaries suggest you ask – “is this the true Church?” The answer that can back was “of course it’s the true church – but the question is, can you commit yourself to it?” That was a hard question.

I did commit and was baptized soon after. I have been relieved of emotional problems that had plagued me since I was a small child and was abused by my father. The voices in my head no longer fight for control. I have been through years of therapy and had some breakthroughs, but this has been lasting. It is 4 years now.

I struggle with the commitment to the Church that is required. I’ve said “no” to some of the work that was asked of me. But I know the members will hold out their hands to me and we are all blessed by it. I would recommend to anyone to come to an LDS church one Sunday and just see what you feel there. It’s the warmth of a Heavenly Father and Heavenly Family here on the earth.

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