How to Teach Yourself the Piano

Once you learn the basics, playing the piano is quite easy. Can you say the alphabet? Then you can learn the piano. Please note that this tutorial is especially helpful if you can already read music.

If you think you can manage without first learning to read music, then here is a list of things you will need:

· A keyboard/piano – I don’t suggest you buy a very expensive one. Using a basic keyboard is good enough for learning. You won’t need fancy equipment to start off on.

· Patience


The first note you need to know is “c”. C is a very important note on the piano because it gives you a visual starting point. I taught myself piano when a friend inadvertently pointed out the note “c”. C is a white key and it’s the only white key that has another white key to its left. See the picture to see C. (whew.)

The White Keys

Now that you know C, you automatically know the rest of the keys. Look at the white keys in the picture (ignore the black ones). You can see that the white keys go up alphabetically. C, D, E, F, G, A, B, respectively. Now all you have to do is remember that the white keys coincide with the alphabet.

The Black Keys

The black keys are where it gets a bit trickier. Let’s start at C. The black key next to C is called C# or C-sharp. Any black key that is to the right of a white key, is the sharp of that key. If you play another instrument (specifically a wind instrument) you’ll know when you are too sharp or too flat. Think of the black keys as being a step up (sharp) or a step down (flat) from the white keys. Did I lose you?

Look at each black key in the picture. C#, D#, F#, G#, and A#. You’ll notice that these black keys are to the right of their coinciding white keys.

The flats (like Ab or A-flat) are a bit confusing to a newbie. When it comes to black keys, flats and sharps are the same. Take the A white key and flatten it down one key, or one step. You get Ab! Many people prefer to use the flat translation instead of the sharp translation with notes like A,E, and B.

So to conclude, if you are going up a key from a white key, it’s a sharp. If you’re going down a key from a white key, it’s a flat.

These are the basics of piano.

Practice memorizing the notes on the piano and check out my next tutorial: chords.

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