How to Protect Your Eyes from Damage Caused by Electronic Devices

In today’s technology driven world, many of us spend a large portion of our day sitting in front of some sort of screen, whether it be a computer screen or television screen. Staring at either one for too long, especially computer screens, in which we sit fairly close, can be hard on the eyes. While there might not be any actual severe damage to the eyes, eyestrain is being reported with more frequency, especially in children who are spending way too much time in front of a computer.

To avoid eyestrain and possibly reduce the risk of other eye problems in the future, you can make sure that you and your family follows a few simple rules. The easiest and most important rule: stop looking at the computer screen. As a general rule, scientists say that for every twenty minutes you stare at the computer screen, you should pick out an object much farther away and stare at it for about twenty seconds. This will help your eyes ability to focus and decrease the risk of eyestrain.

Next, while staring at the screen, try to remember to blink often. Subconsciously, we tend not to blink as much while staring at the screen, which can cause the eyes to become dry and our eyes to strain more in order to read or watch what is on the screen.

Lastly, help reduce some of the glare from the computer screen by ensuring that the area above and around you is properly lighted with adequate light. Even a small desk lamp is sufficient enough to do the trick provided your computer is not directly facing an object or light source that causes glare.

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