How to Handle a Blind Date at a Coffee Shop

Do your hair and makeup
If he asked you to meet him at a coffee shop it means that he wants to be able to leave in twenty minutes. It’s a form of speed dating. He did not commit to spending an hour to get to know you. He just wants to look at you and talk for a few minutes and make a snap decision over whether to invite you out for dinner at a restaurant.

Guys still expect women to dress up to meet them even if it’s just for coffee. They’ll swear up and down that dating is about finding their soul mate, but the truth is that no matter how well they connect when they meet he will still dump her if he doesn’t like the way she looks. Guys are more superficial than they let on.

Order herbal tea

Avoid caffeine and sugar because it will make you feel nervous.

Be prepared for rude questions

They’ll ask you pointed questions to figure out how much money you make and if your parents are rich. They’ll ask why your parents got divorced in 1978. They’ll ask why you majored in psychology instead of computer science. They’ll ask why you broke up with your former boyfriend. If you’re overweight than they’ll try to figure out if you’re serious about slimming down. Some guys will even look at your purse and ask what brand it is.

Rude questions are a dead giveaway that your date is a small child beneath the surface. Listen to your inner voice and let it sink in. For example, if your gut is telling you that this guy was mean to his last girlfriend than pay attention to it. Don’t ignore it because he did it to someone else and not you, because your turn is coming. Some guys are just not relationship material.

Ask him polite questions to show that you’re interested in his hobbies

You have to ask him questions or he’ll think that you don’t care. Keep the conversation innocent by asking about his favorite hobbies.

Take the initiative to leave after 45 minutes if he hasn’t offered you dinner

Some guys don’t know how to end a date with a woman they’re not interested in. If he’s enjoying himself than he may chat her up for an hour and a half at Starbucks even though the knows that he’ll never talk to her again. He won’t let on. Later when she sends him a text to thank him he’ll just ignore her, and then it will happen again a couple of days later. That’s how guys dump girls.

Thank him within 24 hours even if he spent only $5

Keep it simple and brief, and maybe add a joke to make it funny. If he doesn’t respond within 24 hours than he’s not interested. Move on. Don’t contact him ever again. If he responds a few days later than he’s stringing you along, and whether you want to deal with it is your decision. If he does respond within 24 hours and he mentions seeing you again than you did a really great job overcoming the coffee shop hurdle.

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