How to Find Top Theology Schools

Those considering a clergy career or just those seeking religious knowledge can consider a theology major. There are several ways to find top theology schools and schools of divinity for those interested in learning more about religion and spirituality.

When looking for top schools and college degree programs in any discipline, first look to see if the the actual institution is accredited. The U.S. Department of Education maintains a list of schools accredited by the regional accrediting bodies approved by the Department. When looking for top theology schools, make sure the institution is accredited.

Keep in mind that there are plenty of unaccredited schools out there that may not give you a quality education. You may blow your chances of becoming a clergyman or a college theology professor by attending an unaccredited theology school.

The second thing you should check for when finding the best divinity and theology schools is the accreditation status of the theology degree program. This is a different kind of accreditation and is separate from the regional accrediting bodies that accredit colleges, schools, and universities.

Theology-program accreditation is an extra layer of credibility for when you eventually choose and attend a theology school and degree program. In this case, the major accrediting body is the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools. This is the accrediting body of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada. There are over 260 theology graduate schools that are accredited by this Commission.

Of course, you do not necessarily have to attend a top theology graduate school to achieve your divinity educational and career goals. But this is a good idea if you want to teach theology or become a clergyman. You should at least see which accredited graduate theology schools also have an undergraduate theology degree program.

There are not many lists out there of undergraduate theology schools. So try to find programs that are provided by these graduate theology schools to increase your chances of getting into a top graduate theology program after graduating with your bachelor’s degree.


The Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools: List of Accredited Theology Graduate Schools

United States Department of Education: Directory of Accredited Schools

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