God’s Natural Highs

What joy awaits us as we open our minds to the reality of God’s natural highs!

Gods bestows his wondrous beauty everyday in the magnificence of the sunrise!

Upon completion of a task we can feel great satisfaction of a job well done!

The inexpressible joy that is ours when prayers are answered regarding a loved one!

When out of obedience we offer help to someone in need,

with it comes contentment and great joy indeed!

After traveling through the long hard road with a dying friend,

knowing they are now in heaven brings us joy in the end.

As we take a nature walk God puts in our path beautiful flowers and greenery

along with many adorable creatures to demonstrate his love so abundantly!

The joy of seeing our much loved children and grandchildren at play

fills our hearts with more love than words can possibly say!

When I am at a loss for words and finally stop and pray,

tears of joy fill my eyes as He sends His words my way!

Yet, the natural high that far out ranks all the beauty in nature

is to see Christ in a loved one as in Him they become a new creature!

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