Get Evolution Out of the Public Schools

Evolutionists have ignored the science behind Intelligent Design. The truth is that many scientists that support Intelligent design have the same degrees, the same Masters Degrees, the same PhD’s and sometimes from the same schools that evolutionists have. This fact is being ignored by evolutionists who want to promote their agenda and not allow the alternative of Intelligent Design.

The truth is that the “psydo “scientist as evolutionists call it is not Intelligent Design, but evolution and the evolutionists know it. The primary purpose of evolution is to destroy faith.

In my last article about evolution I said that I am not a scientist nor do I claim to be one. I did however refer to scientists who supported my view that evolution is not a science. The truth is, that a degree or a pedigree does not make one a scientists. Some of the scientists who support Intelligent Design have the same degrees and pedigrees from the same schools as the evolutionists. Frankly, if one believes in evolution, how can you be any more of a scientist than I am? There is ample evidence that evolution has been dis-proven, but evolutionist do not want to admit that. Plus, evolution itself is a theory and only a theory. The law of gravity started out as a theory and unlike evolution, it has been proven.

Some school teachers have had the guts to not teach evolution when it was time to come to it in their textbooks. No teacher should even be asked to teach evolution. Evolution IS NOT A SCIENCE. Evolution is not taught by legitimate scientists. Scientists who support Intelligent Design made a fair and reasonable request. To teach Intelligent Design alongside the theory of evolution. The instructors could of said “this is what Intelligent Design considers a science and this is what evolution considers to be a science”, but the evolutionists did not want to allow that as an option. It doesn’t give them their monopoly on the lie that evolution is a science. If the competition isn’t so threatening or Intelligent isn’t really a science, why not allow it along side evolution where you can disprove it?

Because Intelligent Design supports faith, it’s easier to dismiss it as a “Psydo science” and pretend that it is nothing but religion. Evolutionists have had their chance to work with those scientists who support Intelligent Design and have rejected it, now, it is time that we stand up and get the intentional lies of evolution out of our public schools.

There is no need to teach evolution in any school in the United States of America, as it not a real science. No U.S. State that wants to teach real science would require evolution. To require evolution to be taught in our public schools is to require an intentional destruction of faith.

We must get evolution out of our public schools and out of our public school textbooks. If we do not then we will allow a pretend science in our schools. Let’s get evolution out of the public schools for good.There is not one shred of real science behind evolution and we need to get those lies out of our public schools.

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