Foods that Improve Memory

As you age, you lose brain cells. However, if you’re careful to eat the right foods, as well as take care of yourself , you can improve your memory.

Eat More Fish

Omega 3 oils -Studies have shown that foods rich in Omega-3 fats (such as fatty fish) reduce the cell inflammation that triggers memory decline. Fatty fish such as sardines and salmon are excellent sources of Omega-3 oils, thus boosting memory. It’s advisable to eat at least three servings of fish (especially fatty ones) per week. Even if you eat only one serving, you’re improving your memory.

Eat More Vegetables for a Better Memory

Dark leafy vegetables – Have at least a cup a day. You can cook or boil green leafy vegetables, but just be careful not to overcook as this can take away vitamins and nutrients. Shoot for at least a cup of dark green leafy vegetables daily. Choose romaine over iceberg lettuce. Again, the darker the greens, the better for you. Also, include leafy vegetables such as kale, collard greens, etc.

Spinach – A recent study showed how when rats were fed spinach, it not only prevented memory loss, but even reversed it. That’s probably because of spinach’s high content of folic acid which has been proven to help Alzheimer’s disease and other memory losses due to aging. By only eating half a cup of cooked spinach each day, you get in 2/3 of your daily folic acid requirement.

Onions – Onions contain fisetin, a naturally occurring flavonoid, which stimulates pathways that improve long-term memory. Because they contain anthocyanin and quercetin, red onions are even better than yellow and white onions (which also contain significant amounts of quercetin.) Interestingly, onions have been used for centuries in India to enhance memory.

Berries Improve Memory

Blueberries- Because blueberries contain a colorful memory-boosting phytochemical known as anthocyanins, they’re excellent. Besides anthocyanin, they have other phytochemicals that produce good brain functioning. What’s more, eating blueberries on a regular basis can help protect against a range of other age-related diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Strawberries – Strawberries also contain fisetin, which stimulates pathways that improve long-term memory.

Other Fruits and Vegetables Containing Fisetin

Besides strawberries and onions, other fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes, oranges, apples, peaches, grapes, kiwifruit, and persimmons also contain fisetin which helps memory.

Good News for Coffee Addicts

Coffee isn’t bad, which is good news if you need a shot of caffeine to jump start your day. According to recent studies, coffee can help you focus better. Of course, if you have a medical problem (such as high cholesterol or other concerns), then limit your caffeine allowance to plain brewed coffee or tea, cautions Joy Bauer, nutritionist and diet editor for the Today show, on a recent broadcast aired on 7/08/08. In other words, don’t drink unfiltered coffee that’s used to make espressos, cappuccinos, and lattes. If in doubt, it’s better to be safe and don’t drink coffee at all.

Other Tips for Improving Memory

Don’t Smoke. Besides harming your body, smoking also affects your memory.
Take Exercise Classes

Exercise. If you’re worried about losing memory capabilities, then take aerobic exercise classes which can help memory skills, as well as coordination.

Finally, do mental exercises (such as games and cross-world puzzles) to improve your memory. Challenging your mind is not only healthy, but it’s fun, too.

Originally published on Suite 101.

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