
We have always been taught that failure is not a good thing. Failing is never an option and when you do fail, you are seen as a failure. You will never be successful because you failed.

First, let me tell you that failure is a step towards success. For any undertaking, you must have a plan that will guide you to reach your goal. If you fail, that means you need to reassess your plan and begin again. FAILURE IS A STEP TOWARDS SUCCESS. The greatest accomplishments throughout history were the results of numerous failures along the way. Nothing is ever done right the first time. No invention was made the first time. Those people, who we say are successful, failed but did not give up. FAILURE IS A STEP TOWARDS SUCCESS. Realize that nothing comes easy and we all know that. If you truly have the burning desire to achieve a particular goal, do it. Prepare a plan and follow the plan. If and when you fail, celebrate! You have just eliminated a plan that will not work to achieve your goal. Now try again, and again and again. Continue until you have eliminated all the ways that will not work and you are then left with what will work. Embrace failure, it is your friend not your enemy! It is your beginning not your end! It is your guiding light! Failure has been misrepresented and misinterpreted.

I’m telling you right now that if you want to achieve a goal, you will at some point fail. I cannot reiterate this enough: CELEBRATE! YOU ARE ONE STEP CLOSER TO REACHING YOUR GOAL. Rethink your plan and start off on achieving your goal again. This is your time to reach your potential. Do not be discouraged. Do not be afraid. FAILURE IS A STEP TOWARDS SUCCESS. KEEP STEPPING!!!!!!!!!!

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