Facebook Timeline Implementation Leads to Outcry

COMMENTARY | As reported in Y! Tech earlier today, Facebook has decided to make its Timeline feature mandatory for all users starting today. As can be expected based on past observations, this major revamp to the popular social networking site has lead to a great deal of outcry among the service’s users. A similar reaction was experienced, as reported by The Hollywood Reporter, in September of 2011 when Facebook largely revamped the functionality of its news feed.

The almost global and pervasive use of Facebook certainly leads to strong emotions whenever a major changed is implemented or even suggested by the social networking giant. Many people today spend substantial amounts of time on the site and see it as an important part of both their personal lives and their connection to the rest of the world. However, it can be said that the vitriol with which many of these reactions are levied is a bit over the top.

Although many users feel highly invested in Facebook, it remains a free service. As such, any investment is purely emotional and therefore may not justify the same level of reaction as a service for which the user must invest financially.

It is certainly acceptable for users of a popular service like Facebook to make their opinions known whenever the service provider proposes changes that will impact said service. However, as can be seen within many of the comments directed at such news, making opinions known can quickly devolve into statements that stop just shy of a declaration of war or all-out boycott.

Furthermore, Facebook’s continued and increased success would more than suggest that Mark Zuckerberg and his employees are aware of what will and will not lead to further success. Setting that as our baseline for reactions, along with the fact that the service is indeed free (an amazing bargain for something that offers that much functionality and life impact), we as Facebook users should remember our manners and remain calm when voicing our objections.

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