Education, Training, and Certification for Ostomy Care Nursing

An ostomy is an artificial hole in the abdomen or other body part made by a surgeon to release waste. Nurses interested in caring for patients with this condition can get ostomy training and education and get certified by the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society (WOCN).

Because an ostomy is a type of wound, it should be noted that ostomy nurses are typically trained to treat wounds. The WOCN-approved ostomy education programs typically include ostomies and continence treatment as part of a wound nursing education.

In fact, WOCN maintains a list of accredited programs that a nurse can attend to get training for ostomy care nursing and prepare for the WOCN certification exam at the same time. Actually, all nurses seeking certification through this organization must complete one of the wound, ostomy and continence training courses. Although the list is small, it does include some prestigious learning institutions like the Cleveland Clinic and Emory University School of Medicine. Contact schools on an individual basis to get tuition and eligibility details.

Now, do not just assume that you can attend a course on wounds and ostomy and be fully ready for the WOCN certification test. The final exams you take in your course could certainly be easier or harder than WOCN’s own test. Therefore, you want to make sure you are preparing by studying as hard as possible in your spare time all the way up until a day or so before the exam (one day of relaxation before the test is better than cramming).

Get a copy of the “WOCN Nursing Scope and Standards” to help guide your studies. While the textbooks and learning materials in all accredited courses should contain sufficient information, the standards will assist you in isolating any weaknesses and areas that need more thorough review before test day. As of August 2011, the fee is $16 for students.

Another thing you should do is check the list of WOCN publications and compare them to the resources you are studying in your ostomy education program. You may need to buy a few more references to study for the WOCN certification exam. Although there are no specific practice tests or study guides for the ostomy nurse exam, the information in WOCN’s own references are likely to be sources of information for the test. There is a link to the bookstore below.


WOCN Approved Training and Educational Programs for Ostomy Care Nursing

WOCN Nursing Scope and Standards Order Form

Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society Bookstore

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