Edible Gift Ideas for Seniors or Singles

Do you know seniors or singles whose pantry is filled with mostly one can meals? Younger singles may just be too busy to bother, but senior people, especially those who have become single again, may not know how to cook for one person, or they may find it too much trouble. You can help them enjoy food again by giving them an edible gift.

Why Seniors Don’t Bother to Cook

I love to cook. I was used to cooking large meals for my family. I have huge crock pots and pans. Unfortunately, I recently became single, due to the death of my spouse. Many other seniors go through this. It’s not that we don’t want to cook or eat great meals; we just don’t know how to cook for one person. I used to make a huge pot of chili or soup for my family. Even though I love the home made version, it’s easier to buy a can of chili or soup. How do you make chili, soup or spaghetti for one?

Why Singles Don’t Bother to Cook

Younger singles may be too busy with their careers or social life to bother to cook. If they have just recently moved away from home, they may not know how to produce a good meal for their self. Maybe they don’t have the proper kitchen equipment and don’t have the money or knowledge to stock the kitchen.

Edible Gift Ideas Older or Younger friends and Family

If your senior or single person just loves your chili or soup, why not package some up for them to stock in their freezer? Make your famous pot of chili or soup and package it up in small one- portion size freezer containers. Use a magic marker or freezer tape to label each container with the date and the contents. The recipient will have a delicious meal they can pop in the microwave, and they’ll have a container for future use. Be careful because they might give them back and ask for refills!

If you worry that they don’t eat proper meals, you can buy divided storage plates that will be as easy as a TV dinner for them. When you make your own meals at home, make extra and fill the divided plate, put the top on it, label it and freeze it as part of your edible gift. I love vegetables, but will seldom open a can because it is too much for one person. The smaller, one serving cans are too expensive. I am sure other seniors feel the same way.

Downsize their Kitchen Equipment by Giving Edibles.

If you have a senior person to buy for, they probably have large things in their kitchens from the days when they had a large family. I have a large crock pot that became totally useless to me when I found myself living alone. I purchased a small crock pot that is just enough for one. The crock pot will run about $10.00, but it will be invaluable to your single senior friend or family member. Fill the crock pot with chili or soup just before you give it to them, or purchase enough ingredients for that crock pot. I have found that 2 cans of chili beans and one can of diced tomatoes will fill it fine. It’s enough for me to have a nice bowl of chili for dinner and the rest will fit in a serving size freezer bowl for me to save for later.

If you are concerned that your single or senior family member isn’t eating properly, giving them an edible gift and helping them to figure out how to cook for one could be the best gift they ever got. I would love a meal, complete with meat, veggies and potatoes, but I just don’t know how to cook it for just one. Could someone pass this article to my family members please?

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