Disturbing New Online Game Revels in Conservative Slaughter

COMMENTARY | No doubt in the spirit of good fun, Starvingeyes Advergaming has created a new video game called Tea Party Zombies Must Die. If you hate conservatives, especially Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann, now is your chance to vent.

Tea Party Zombies Must Die is a post-apocalyptic zombie hunt game with a twist. The zombies are identifiable righties, from the “pissed off old white guy zombie” to the aforementioned Palin and Bachmann, as well as Fox News personalities such as Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Brit Hume. The player is invited to go through places like Fox News headquarters and a trailer park (because that is where all tea party protesters come from, after all) and do battle with a crowbar, knife, and firearm.

A lot of scolds believe violent video games lead to people getting angry and violent in real life. Tea Party Zombies Must Die seems to be the first identifiable case of people angry and violent in real life causing a violent video game to come into being.

The following observation is rather obvious, all things considered, but does bear repeating. What if someone had created Commie Liberal Zombies Must Die with undead versions of Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Keith Olbermann, and Michael Moore ambling about, threatening to devour the player unless he whales about with a tire iron upside the creature’s head?

One in fact need not ask the question, because the reaction of the mainstream media would be incandescent. “Racist game invites people to kill the president!” Clearly someone has not learned how violent rhetoric leads to the shooting of congresswomen.

But a game that invites people to kill righties, especially a bare-breasted Bachmann? That’s all in good fun, especially if the in-game background graffiti has messages supporting President Obama and all of his works.

Mind, as Big Hollywood points out, every zombie movie depicts the contagion as starting in the crowded big cities. It will be the tea party types, living out in the country, well-armed, who will be the last remnant of humanity doing battle with the ravenous undead. The city-slicker liberals will be the first to be eaten and turned.

Sources: Starvingeyes Advergames

Tea Party Zombies Must Die ‘Tea Party Zombies Must Die’ Review: In-between Left-wing Economic Lies You Can Beat Sarah Palin to Death!! Darin Miller, Big Hollywood, September 7, 2011

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