Can Prune Juice Treat and Prevent Heart Problems?

The heart is one of the most important organs within your body as it is responsible tissues and organs receive the proper amount of oxygen to work properly. Taking care of your heart means you are taking care of your future as a healthy heart helps ensure a long and healthy life. While heart problems may be contributed to heredity, diet and lifestyle choices, you may consume certain substances to help protect this vital organ.

Prune juice is typically associated with your digestive system as it works to evacuate fecal matter from your intestines. However, preliminary evidence suggests that prune juice may actually help reduce the severity of various heart ailments. Its heart health properties are associated with its high antioxidant count. If you are interested in supplementing with prune juice for heart health, talk with your doctor.

Prune Juice Constituents:

As stated above, the primary active constituents of prune juice are phenolics, which are classified as antioxidants. Other compounds found within prune juice include flavonoids and vitamin C, which are also known to have a high concentration of antioxidants.

The main benefit of drinking prune juice for heart health is its ability to remove harmful free radicals from your body.

Prune Juice and Your Heart:

According to the Cleveland Clinic, antioxidants found in food sources – not in supplements – show promise for treating and preventing various blood vessel and heart related problems. According to a study found in the “Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry” the phenolic compounds within prune juice, or the antioxidants, hindered the development of LDL cholesterol – which is known as “bad” cholesterol. By eliminating LDL cholesterol your risk of high blood pressure and atherosclerosis is reduced, which in-directly reduces your risk of developing heart disease.


Upon writing this article, there is not scientifically supported dosage for prune juice; however, TotalHealth reports that drinking four ounces of prune juice one time per day can help provide your body with its healing qualities. If you are currently taking any medications for your heart or circulatory system, make sure you talk with your doctor to ensure its safety.

References Used:

BioFactors: Antioxidants Properties of Prune

Cleveland Clinic: Heart and Vascular Health & Prevention

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry: Phenolic Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Prunes and Prune Juice

TotalHealth: Digestive Health and Prune Juice

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