Bringing Awareness to Adult A.D.H.D

Do you feel unfocused or disorganized? Are you impulsive and have trouble managing time and money? Do you find yourself rarely completing a task because you get distracted or overwhelmed? Then maybe this article is for you.

Adult A.D.H.D. is a fairly new idea. It does not have to begin in childhood, although is usually manifests around age seven. A.D.H.D. did not even exist until the 1950’s.

These days, the treatment of A.D.H.D. is quite common. There are several medications for this purpose, but some prefer to go an alternative route. The most effective medications are the stimulants that work by correcting a biochemical condition in the brain that interferes with attention and impulse control.

Coping skills will help you and the people around you deal with your A.D.H.D. You can begin by educating yourself, and then the people around you. Tell them how they can help you.

If you chose to take medication, it is best to take it on time every time.

Getting counseling and a support group of people who understand what you are going through can come in very useful when you need someone to talk to.

Create a routine for yourself and stick to it. No one person’s perfect routine will look like someone else’s. Be creative, make it your own.

Find ways to organize. You could use your computer, a planner, a calendar, PDA, or even old school post-it notes in a pinch. My favorite is my cell phone and my iPod Touch.

Take time to sit down, slow down, and relax for a while. Maybe do a relaxation technique or two or maybe listen to some music. Your body needs time to wind down.

At work, coping gets very difficult, here are a few suggestions.

Request a private office space. Getting rid of noise and distraction can be very helpful when you are trying to get work done.

Again, keep a daily planner or carry a PDA with you.

Go for a walk when the hyperactivity gets too much to deal with.

Keep a notebook with you at all times so that you can write down that important thought before it is gone forever.

Keep a distraction at your desk so that you can concentrate on that instead of the irritability.

There are four rules to live by with A.D.H.D. if nothing else

You MUST attend to your hygiene, we tend to overlook this, and it offends the people around us.

We must learn to stop and eat on a regular basis and carry snacks when going out for a period of time. Irritability is much worse when you are hungry.

Try to get in 30 minutes of exercise in the morning, it will keep you in shape and energize you to deal with the day.

PRACTICE OPTIMISM if you are not being optimistic about your disease and your life then it won’t work out as well as your hope that it will.

A.D.H.D. is not the end of the world; there are many treatments available to you. With coping skills you can exceed beyond just being treated by the medications. A.D.H.D. was always thought to be a disease that only children had, but adults suffer from it just as often. The amount varies from 5.6% in Nevada to 15.6% of the population in North Carolina. You are not alone.

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