Banana: Remove Warts, Stop Mosquito Itch and More

Bananas are the ultimate hunger buster. Bananas are really the wonder fruit and if you have ever ate a snack then felt hungry again after 20 minutes or so then next time eat a banana. Bananas have resistant starch (RS) which is a healthy carbohydrate that leaves you feeling full and boosts your metabolism. The best bananas are slightly un-ripe and have about 12 grams of RS, which is much more than other foods. By comparison a ripe banana only has about 4.5 grams of RS, which can still keep away your nagging hunger pains. But the interesting thing about the banana is its uses other than being food.

Shine your shoes or polish silverware?

That’s right it sounds crazy but by using the inside of the banana peel you can shine leather shoes or brighten your kitchen utensils. Just simply rub the inside of the peel on your leather shoes or silverware then buff them up with a paper towel or rag and magic! You will be amazed how good your shoes and silverware will look, you will not look the same at a banana again.

Mosquito itch gone!

That’s right the banana peel doesn’t only shine shoes, if you rub the peel on a mosquito bite the itch goes away! This is great for kids or adults and works on animals, people who also suffer from flea bites can benefit as well. But mosquito bites aside, the banana peel can also remove warts! Just rub the peel all over the wart and give it a few days of constant application and then say good bye to your warts. The banana peel also helps to remove rashes from baby’s bottoms and adult skin.

The banana sounds like an amazing product but the best thing about it is that the banana is natures gift to man, it taste great and has many uses around the house that you will no doubt enjoy discovering. A banana a day keeps many ailments away.

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