Apple Roses

Are you looking for a new wreath or a bouquet to welcome in fall, why not welcome it with a homemade apple roses that can be used in a bouquet or place on a wreath?

How to Make Apple Roses

A truly beautiful bouquet can be made with just simple apples. The roses are adorable and it can last up to a year. The best part is that it can be used for any season or holiday. Read on to learn how to make apple roses.


Things You’ll Need

Golden Delicious Apples (one per rose you want)(or a Red Delicious when these dry they will give a deep red edge to your rose)

1 tbsp. salt

15 oz. lemon juice

Waxed paper

Wire stems

Thin wire

Floral tape

Baking dish


In your baking dish, mix the salt and lemon juice until the salt is completely dissolved.

Slice the apples into vertical slices about 1/8-inch thick. Keep the skin intact.

Immediately soak the slices in the lemon and salt solution to prevent browning. Leave in this solution for a couple of minutes.

Spread the sliced apples in a single layer on waxed paper. Allow them to air dry for at least 24 hours. As they dry, the slices will curl.

Bend a small loop at one end of a wire stem. Twist a small apple slice snugly around the loop to make a center. Using the thin wire, add additional petals and form into a rose.

Form a calyx by cutting a 2-inch piece of floral tape and twist one end to form a point. Make three for each rose. Hold at the base of the rose and bind the entire base of the rose and the stem with the floral tape

If you would like your roses to shine, spray them with high shine shellac after they have dried. To give your apple roses frosted look, melt paraffin wax, dip your rose in quickly and let try. Dress them up by spraying a light coating of gold or silver spray paint such as Design Master or even with their glitter spray.

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