A Ski Trip Skin Care Guide

A ski or snowboarding trip can be the perfect getaway during the cold, winter months. It’s exciting, fun, and a great way to reconnect with family and friends while you get a little fresh air and exercise. But when you’re packing up for that ski trip, don’t forget to bring the right products to protect your skin from the harsh elements it will be exposed to on those slopes! A sunburn, windburn, or cracked lips can ruin any ski vacation.

Protect Against Dryness
One of the biggest problems your skin will face is the cold, dry air. The whipping wind doesn’t help much either! After a day on the slopes, your skin might be dry, blotchy, tight, and even chapped. To prevent this, adopt a gentle cleansing and deep moisturizing routine on your skin trip. Avoid using a cleanser with a drying agent, like alcohol or witch hazel, which can deplete your skin’s natural moisture before you even step outside. Follow up your gentle cleansing with a deep moisturizer that will help protect you out there in the elements. Look for products that contain ingredients like aloe vera, shea butter, and vitamin E, which can help seal off skin from dry air and keep chapping at bay.

Protect Against Sunburns
Cold weather doesn’t mean you can skip the sunscreen. When you’re skiing, you’ll be outside in the sun just as long as you might be on the beach in summertime, if not longer. The sun’s rays are just as strong no matter the temperature, so prep your skin with the same kind of sunblock you would during the summer months. An SPF of 30 or higher will be enough protection, but bring it with you to reapply. All that snow, sweat, and other moisture could affect your sunblock’s ability to protect you, so plan to smear some on again every few hours.

Protect Your Lips
Your lips, which are harder to cover up with a mask or goggles, will take quite a beating on your ski trip if you’re not prepared. Use a hydrating lip balm with an SPF to get the full spectrum protection you’ll need. Again, bring it with you to reapply as needed. Licking your lips can dry them out faster, since the digestive enzymes in your saliva eat away at the moisture. Avoid dry, cracking, bleeding lips just by sliding some lip balm on whenever your lips need some.

Protective Gear
The skin care products you pack are one thing, but protective gear that covers your skin can up your safety factor quite a bit. Invest in UV-blocking goggles or apparel to protect yourself from sun damage. Cover your hair and as much of your face as possible to cut down on your skin’s exposure to the cold. If you dress appropriately and pack all the right skin care, you’ll be back from your ski trip without any painful reminders!


Epic Ski. Skin Care for Skiers. Ski Resort Adventure. Skin Care Essentials for a Skiing Trip.

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