911 Targets Were Apparently Symbols of Evil

The horrible tragedy on September 11, 2001 may be remembered as long as human civilization exists. The terrible loss of thousands of innocent lives as jets crashed into the Pentagon, the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers, and a Pennsylvania field seems inexcusable.

But in my opinion, the targets that day were carefully selected as symbols of evil.

For example, the United States Pentagon is perhaps the most easily recognizable symbol of the United States military. We U.S. citizens may like to think of our military as behaving responsibly. But to much of the world, the U.S. military is likely viewed as a big bully.

Yes, the Pentagon is a symbol of U.S. military evil. We may never know all the evils committed in the name of democracy by our government. Remember, the United States stole its land from the Native American Indians, allowed slaves in much of the land during its early decades as a nation, and went to war against Mexico to take Texas and California. Our acquisition of Hawaii also involved military action. We helped overthrow the Iranian government in the 1950s, attempted to assassinate Cuba’s Castro in the 1950s and 1960s, and the wars against Iraq in recent decades were likely prompted much more by oil than by any humanitarian reasons.

The other target on 9-11-2001, the World Trade Center, was a civilian target. But to many, the World Trade Center symbolized putting financial profit above moral values. The United States has been a leader in the export of tobacco. Hollywood exports pornography and other inappropriate motion pictures and television shows that promote immoral lifestyles. And the U.S. is a leader in the production of alcoholic beverages, in addition to its promotion of gambling through state lotteries.

Therefore, both targets that day were symbols of evil. I certainly do not seek to excuse the irrational behavior that led to thousands of innocent lives being lost and enormous property damage on 9-11. But I think it is important to remember that the targets that day were not innocent lives, but symbols of the military abuses and financial greed of the United States.

If the main goal had been to kill a huge number of innocent people, the terrorists could have targeted Yankee Stadium or Madison Square Garden during a major event or even targeted the World Trade Center Twin Towers later in the day when many more persons occupied the buildings. I certainly consider the attacks inexcusable, but as basically a pacifist I also don’t excuse the collateral damage that occurs in various other attacks, including our nation’s wars.

Good and the Potential for More Good

The citizens of the United States donate much time, money, and talent to help around the world. Indeed, we collectively make huge donations to international aid agencies. Even our military is involved much in humanitarian aid around the world.

But, our nation and the world can and will be better off if we truly seek to put our trust and obedience in God’s perfect leading, as our currency states with its words “In God We Trust.” Instead of just condemning evil around the world, let’s seek to correct our own flaws and to follow Jesus’ teaching to love others. The 10 th anniversary of the 9-11 attacks is a wonderful time to commit to caring for all people. Let’s seek to “be good and do good,” as Buddha is credited with stating centuries ago.

Note: This article was last revised on September 10, 2011.

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