5 Reasons to Buy Organic Groceries

No one can argue the fact that buying organic groceries costs more money than buying non-organic, so is it really worth it? We want to keep our families healthy, but with this difficult economy, it can be hard to rationalize spending more money at the grocery store – especially when you already believe you are making healthy choices for your family.

Here are 5 reasons why buying organic may be worth the hit to your wallet:

1. Organic foods are more nutritious.
Studies now show that organic foods are more nutritious than their non-organic counterparts. Pesticides and chemicals negatively affect soil, which means non-organic food is grown in a less nutritional environment.

2. Chemical pesticides are dangerous to our health.
Organic foods are grown without chemical pesticides. This is very important because research shows that chemical pesticides have pervaded our environment so much that even unborn babies have these pesticides built up in their systems.

Pesticide exposure has been linked to ADHD, cancer, reproductive dysfunction, and immune system dysfunction. Buying organic keeps your family from ingesting these dangerous pesticides on a daily basis.

3. Buying organic is the only way to ensure your food does not contain GMOs.
GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, are restricted or banned in most other developed countries for good reason. Studies show they can cause allergic reactions and may even be considered toxic.

Also, the more pests evolve to survive the pesticides used in GMO crops, the more non-organic farmers have to use toxic pesticides to combat them.

4. Organic foods keep unnecessary antibiotics out of our systems.
Organic farmers are not allowed to use antibiotics in their livestock farming. This is very important because the more antibiotics enter our system, no matter what the means, the more our bodies build a resistance to antibiotics. This is very dangerous should we ever have an illness that requires an antibiotic remedy.

5. Organic farmers do not use synthetic hormones.
Synthetic hormones like rBGH increase the risk of many awful medical conditions in cows. They are also linked to breast cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer in humans.

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