Why Standing is so Important in Our Life

How many times a day do you stand up? Do you know how long you stand time wise? Does your job require you to sit all day long? These are very important questions to consider, when you are looking at fitness, weight control and general good health. This article looks at how important standing is for your benefit.

Recently, Yahoo ran an article about the most dangerous things that individuals do in their life. That thing was sitting. This fact was so important that Health Alliance.Org ran an article in their monthly newsletter.

The research for the article was done by the Pennington Biomedical Research Center. After studying 17,000 individuals over a 13 period, they found that 54% is likely to die from some form of heart disease. Sitting isn’t all bad. It reduces stress, relaxes muscles and can increase the ability to multi-task items. However, the advantages of standing might out weigh that of seating.

For most workers to stand, they will need to make changes in their work station. First, they will need a stand up type desk. This could cost some extra money. Moving computer and phone equipment will also be necessary, for the stand up worker. Things have to be adjusted to make work more efficient.

The hardest thing for a stand up worker to do is to concentrate on standing. We are so ingrained to sitting that it is easy to sit right back down. Another thing is that your lower back and calves. It takes several days to work past this pain.

Why stand? The enzyme called lipoprotein lipase (LPL). LPL breaks down fat in the bloodstream. We all know what fat can do to our health.

How we can help ourselves. Stand up while making phone calls. Most of us sit when we call. Try something different. Do two breaks an hour and get out of your chair. Use a timer if you need too. A European Heart Journal says that you can lose 1 1/2 inches on your hips by doing this. Avoid long emails. Instead, walk down the hall and visit the person. Stand up and put trash in the can instead of throwing it.
Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Stand when you talk instead of sitting. Try to make a conscious attempt at changing from sitting to standing.

sources; Emily Harrington; The Great Stand Up Experience

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