Why Some Parents Always Defend Their Kids

Some parents look into problems when issues regarding their kids are brought to their attention, but others simply turn their heads or defend them tooth and nail. In the end this is not in their best interest. It might temporarily solve a problem, but it will eventually catch up with everyone concerned. What was once a lie about something simple will turn into far more serious issues as they advance from kids to teens. Read on to find out why some parents always defend their kids, and learn the reasons behind their unreasonable behavior. It is human nature to want to protect offspring, but this type of protection is harmful in more ways than one.

Parents are Responsible for the Behavior of their Offspring

One of the main reasons why some parents always defend their kids is because of the natural inclination to support their children. Some parents are only fooling themselves when it comes to the behavior of their offspring, and they turn a blind eye to problems at school, at home and in their personal lives. They are responsible for their children in every way, and admitting fault is admitting something negative. Parents like these consider their kids little angels – even if they are haughty little monsters. Parents are ultimately responsible for their development even if when they have a flawed personality, and they do not want to admit liability on any level.

Kids are a Reflection of their Parents

Another reason why some parents unreasonably defend their family is because they feel personally attacked. Although kids are not puppets that can be fully controlled, children are a reflection of their parents. No one wants to be looked upon as the parent of a problem child. Instead of accepting the facts, some choose to defend their kids – even if their little angels are obviously guilty. Adults do not usually lie when it comes to the bad behavior of kids, especially teachers, friends and well-meaning relatives. They have absolutely nothing to gain. On the other hand, kids and their parents have something to gain because they do not like the feeling of being accused, and some will lie in an attempt to avoid trouble.

Parents Defend their Kids for Monetary Reasons

When parents defend their children after they have damaged something or hurt another human being they are doing it for monetary reasons as well as all of the above. After all, no one wants to pay for damages, and some people will try to wiggle out of anything and everything, even if they are fully responsible. When parents defend their kids regarding these issues they are not setting good examples. They are teaching their children how and when to lie. The kids hone their lying skills whenever they are blamed for causing damage of any kind. They know their parents will defend them, and they deny their actions until the bitter end, even if they were caught red-handed by a responsible adult.

Some are Not Interested in Dealing with Problems

The worst parents of all choose to defend their offspring because they do not want to deal with them. They want their little angels out of their hair, and when they do something wrong they adamantly deny all involvement. They make excuses and defend their children because they are accountable in more ways than one. Before their kids become adults they will have to deal with issues again and again, and they will have many opportunities to develop a list of excuses a mile long. They are not fooling anyone when trying to defend their kids, but they certainly look very foolish to those that know what they are doing and why they are doing it.

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