Why Parents Should Attend Parent-Teacher Conferences

There are typically two times during a school year where parents are asked to come to the school and talk with their children’s teachers. Some parents skip out on parent-teacher conferences, while some jump at the chance to make sure their children are doing well in school. Even if you are one of those parents that talk to their children’s teacher’s regularly, you should still attend parent-teacher conferences.

Why should you attend parent-teacher conferences?
Conferences with your child’s teacher(s) is a great way for you to sit down and get into true detail about how your child is doing in school. This doesn’t just mean their grades, but this also means you’ll find out how your child behaves in school and how they are interacting with other students and the teacher.

What to expect at parent-teacher conferences.
Child’s grades: You will learn how your child is doing with their school work and whether or not they are doing their homework and getting their work turned in on time.

Child’s behavior: You may think that your child is well behaved and doesn’t do anything wrong in school but you don’t know for sure until you talk to your child’s teacher. Be prepared to handle any type of news that the teacher may have about your child.

Ask questions.
This is a great time to ask what kind of work your child is doing and any other thoughts that you may have. If your child was talking about something in class that seemed questionable to you, comment on it so you can hear the teacher’s explanation. Ask about what you can do to help make sure your child does well in school and even try learning something that your child does on their homework often so you can help them.

Conferences with your child’s teacher is also a good time to ask the teacher for more time with your child after school. If your child needs more help in one subject than ask if the teacher can stay after school with your child. If the teacher can’t do this as often as you’d like, ask the teacher if he/she knows any good tutors that you can try. If there are major problems between the teacher and your child, you should bring your child along with you so all three of you can sit down and discuss problems that there may be.

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