What is Specialized Kinesiology?

Founded in 1964, Applied Kinesiology, AK is used by man doctors to evaluate body function. Those kinesiologies formed out side of “Applied Kinesiology” occurred from the 70’s through the 90’s. One of these, called specialized kinesiology, is defined as “an adjunctive natural healing method that uses muscle testing as a biofeedback technique that is used to determine communication problems, imbalances or dis-harmonies in mind, body or spirit”.

Back to Basics

In specialized kinesiology when there is a basic level muscle test, they will put you in specific poisitions and then put pressure on the muscle. The response your body takes to this light or firm pressure will let the kinesiologist know if the muscle is working properly.

Natural Healing

This is a natural healing method that makes muscle testing a sort of biofeedback. Once the practitioner sees where the imbalance is, then they can correct it and retest the muscle to see if muscle function is improved. It is a method of getting the body’s muscles back in prime condition.

Ties to Acupuncture

Kinesiologists know that muscles are linked to acupuncture medians. Imbalances in these muscles can be altered by applying pressure to these medians. It is a somatic reflex to correlate between organs and muscles.

Client as a Whole

Specialized kinesiology uses muscle testing to correct body imbalances and help in disease fighting. They take the client as a whole functioning being rather than a symptom or disease to puzzle. This use of whole body healing can give the client involvement in their own health and healing.


There are many education facilities that are teaching kinesiology as a course program for health professionals. These courses give learning for seeing the body as a whole, using muscles and their responses to correct imbalances, and to use light or firm pressure along these muscles in the acupuncture median.

Kinesiology is an old practice that is getting new acclaim as we again try to work toward whole body healing rather than suppressing signs and symptoms of disease. Health professionals incorporating these programs are often ones that will be sought for healing even when there is not a symptom to eradicate.


Kinesiology Network, http://www.kinesiology.net/kinesiology.asp

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