The Sun May Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk

According to an article in EurekAlert, a team of researchers from several U.S. universities published an article in the journal Cancer Research on a study done by them and the results seem to show that men exposed to sun have half the risk of developing cancer that prostrate men who are exposed to little or no sun. According to the results of their study, some men the risk is reduced by up to 65 percent.

Scientists believe that the sun helps reduce the risk of prostate cancer because the body manufactures the active form of vitamin D through exposure to sunlight. According to research carried out by the same team, prostate uses vitamin D to promote normal cell growth and inhibit prostrate pervasiveness and spread of cancer cells to other body areas.

According to the director of research, Professor Schwartz, there are some genes that determine the type of vitamin D receptors have each person. These receptors, which function like a lock and key, vary in their ability to bind vitamin D and influence cell behavior.

Researchers have highlighted the fact that sunlight is not the only source of vitamin D, and that men should not try to reduce the risk of cancer prostrata sunbathing by this activity involve risks of skin cancer.

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