The Only People Hampering the Search for Lisa Irwin Are: Tacopina, Picerno, Bradley and Irwin

I recently saw an article that asked if the fact that the 17-year-old is denying he ever said Jersey bragged about taking Lisa, would hamper the case. There are 4 people who were hoping it would. The defense team for Bradley and Irwin, have done everything in their power to hamper this case. Picerno threw the bit of information that a mother said, her daughter said, a man said, Jersey said he had taken Lisa for $300.00. Picerno has the big bucks investigator, Not-So-Wild Bill Stanton, who evidently was asleep or something when this information came to Picerno’s attention. No one bothered to check the story out. As usual, the defense team threw it against the wall and hoped it would stick, they hoped the 17-year-old would not be found.

They hoped wrong, an excellent news team from NBC action news found the young man, who denied ever saying Jersey told him anything. He said “I told someone, I was like (expletive), Jersey was the kind of person where you could say here, here’s $300, take care of this baby, and he would have done it.” he said “That’s all I’ve said. I haven’t seen Jersey since weeks before all this happened actually.” When emailed for a comment, Picerno said he was on vacation. Poor fellow, coming up with suspects, other than your own client is hard work. I bet Lisa wishes she could be on vacation instead of rotting in the ground somewhere.

I know that is harsh, but these two attorney’s have done nothing to aid in finding that baby. They have stonewalled the police everyway they could. Somewhere out there, a 10-month-old (she was that age when she disappeared and probably was not alive to turn 11 months) is laying in a grave, in a river, somewhere, waiting for her mama and dada to come find her. That is something that is not going to happen.

I challenge Deborah Bradley to talk to police, I dare her. She does not deserve to be called a mother, at least not in the sense of having children. I thought Casey Anthony was low, this couple take the cake. It is obvious who wears the pants in that family, and it is not the man working two jobs while his girlfriend stays home and gets slushed several times a week. Amazing that a man could live with someone who either killed their daughter or as the defense team would love for us to believe, let their daughter get kidnapped while she was passed out. That is not a man, that is a panty-waist. If he has any sense at all, or if he is not involved in the cover-up of what happened, he has to have at least thought she could have done something. If he did not do that either, the boy needs some help. Serious help.

It would be great to think that this was not another Casey Anthony or Jhessye Shockley case, but I am afraid it is. Hopefully the weather will preserve Lisa and they can tell what took her life. Then we can watch those two attorney’s dance like mad-hatters trying to explain their clients stories.

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