Ten Cool Things About Carrots

Besides being healthy, delicious, and Bugs Bunny’s favorite treat, did you know that carrots have a intersting past? Or do you know how long the longest carrots is? Keep reading to find out!

Fact 1: Wild rabbits acaully do not eat carrots. That’s only in the carrtoons. But if you keep a bunny as a pet, it will most likely love to eat carrots!

Fact 2: Three carrots give you enough energy to walk three whole miles! Thats amazing! Imagine what 10 carrots could do! Or even 20!

Fact 3: The most known carrots are orange. But they are also found in the colors white, purple, yellow, and red. Have you ever had any of these colored carrots? Check your local grocery store to see if they sell them!

Fact 4: How big are the carrots that you eat? The longest carrot ever recoreded was 5.4 meters long! That is 16 feet and 10 1/2 inches! Imagine trying to eat that!

Fact 5: Today, we eat carrots. But did you know they used to grow carrots as a medcine, not a food? That would be some pretty good tasting medicine!

Fact 6: On the night that the Titanic sunk, the final meal was served with carrots.

Fact 7: Milk has calcium, but did you know that carrots do too? In 9 carrots, there is as much calcium as one cup of milk!

Fact 8: Carrots contian a lot of essential vitamin and minerals. The most plentiful being Vitamin A.

Fact 9: Carrots contain about 87% water.

Fact 10: Anciant Greeks and Romans both loved carrots. Ancient greeks acually called carrots philtron, which means love charm.

So there you have it! 10 facts about the common carrot that we eat and love today!

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