Stimulating the Economy

Banks do not spend money, they loan money and get back more than they loan. Where does their profit come from? Retail companies do not spend money, they invest in inventory and sell it at a profit.

Where does their profit come from? 

Industry does not spend money, they buy raw materials and manufacture items which they sell for more than the cost of materials, and overhead.

Where does their profit come from?

People work to earn money, which they then spend for needs, wants, and desires.

They do not make a profit, they spend their money which moves the economy and generates all the profits mentioned above.

Why then is the government continuing to give money taken from people, who would spend it on the economy if they had it to spend, and given instead to institutions that use it to better their own interests at the expense of the suffering economy and the people who support it? 

Give the money to the people you took it from and let them decide which institutions deserve to stay in business by spending their money at these institutions, or not, depending upon the merit of the product or service provided.

Congress: Listen to the voices and needs of the people who pay your salary (whom you are paid to serve, not rule) rather than the special interest groups who send you on vacations and lavish you with gifts.

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