Spring is Coming: Why I Am Excited

Spring is just around the corner, and when I think of it, I get excited! Spring is a time of renewing for me. It is a time to re-fresh and re-think every area of my life. Spiritually, I look forward to celebrating Easter that commemorates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, my Savior who lives in me and is with me every minute of every day! Physically, I feel a new urge to exercise more. After being “out of the sun” for long periods of time during the winter, I crave the warm sunshine on my face and body. It is much easier in the spring when the weather warms up to get up earlier and go for a morning walk. Everything just seems to come alive and I see everything from a different perspective.

All of a sudden the thoughts of deep cleaning the house actually sounds like it might be fun. Notice I said sounds like! I admit I’m not the clean freak I should be, but I do “think” about it. Give me some credit at least for my good intentions!

Let’s mosey on outside for a moment in this new season of spring! Tulips, crocus, azaleas, Bradford pear trees and what I call “yellow-bells” are my favorite blooming things in the spring! Thinking of blooming things brings me to my next passion in spring (and everyday for that matter) and that is taking photos of every living and beautiful sight I see; from bees on flowers, rainbows in the sky or hummingbirds happily humming near my feeder. Photography is a wonderful hobby, and the challenge of capturing extraordinary shots is exhilarating!

Emotionally, I begin to feel better when spring arrives. I think most everyone is deprived of natural vitamin D from the sun during the long winter months, except maybe in Florida and a few other places. It is harder to be down and depressed when you are outside surrounded by nature and its beauty! Spring is a wonderful time to start a “Gratitude List.” Simply list everything you are grateful for in your life. Odds are you will have a long list. Keep it handy nearby so you can add a blessing every time you find something in your life you are thankful for!

Financially, spring brings to my mind finding new ways of being frugal with the money God has given me. I always look for bargains at yard sales in the spring months before the weather turns hot. I look for treasure among someone else’s trash and most of the time I find something I truly need and can use at a bargain price.

Spring also finds me trying to eat healthier. I look for simple and frugal ways to eat fruits and vegetables. Finding new recipes with few ingredients but healthy ingredients makes me happy! I’ve never tried cold cucumber soup, but this year I am! I want to leave you with a simple recipe for Cold Cucumber Soup, and an air or excitement about this wonderful season of spring coming our way soon! Get ready for it and enjoy everything it brings!

Cold Cucumber Soup

This recipe is not a structured one as far as measurements go, but just do this and enjoy!

Blend together cucumbers, broth, garlic, salt and pepper and a little dab of cream until smooth!

I think a pone of cornbread would be good with this, along with a glass of sweet iced tea, of course.

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