Spooky Glow in the Dark Sidewalk Chalk

Draw dreadfully spooky designs with glow in the dark sidewalk chalk. My boys love sidewalk chalk, and your children will especially love the fact that this chalk will glow! This fun craft is easy to make, just a little messy! Both plaster of paris and glow in the dark paint can be purchased from craft aisles.

Spooky Glow in the Dark Sidewalk Chalk

What is needed for this project:

1 Cup of Plaster of paris

4 Tablespoons of glow in the dark paint

4 Tablespoons of water

Ice Cube Trays or paper towel tubes with waxed paper folded and secured over one end

Disposable plastic cup

Disposable plastic spoon


Step One: Prepare Work Area and Gather Materials

Gather all materials. Prepare your work area by covering it with newspaper. The plaster of paris is messy and can cause problems to clean up. Do not ever rinse it down your sink or any drain., even to wash it off your hands.

Step Two: Mix Ingredients

Mix together the plaster of paris, glow in the dark paint and water in the disposable plastic cup using the disposable plastic spoon. Stir until the mixture is well blended.

Step Three: Pour

Pour the mixture quickly into the molds.

Step Four: Hardening

Leave alone for the sidewalk chalk to harden within the molds. The time this takes will vary depending on the size of the mold. For smaller molds, this could take forty five minutes to an hour. For larger molds, it could take two to three hours.

NOTE: While it is hardening, the mixture will become hot to the touch. Wait until it has become hard and is cooling before trying to unmold.

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