Sestina, Ancient and Modern

Forgive but if you give me

some slack, delay your departure

as I attempt to sort

through this poetic exercise

by reviving this obscure form

into something new and ancient

Perhaps I’ll feel less ancient

at least the brain inside that’s me

will take on a less aged form

delaying insidious omens of departure

though this six-focused exercise

this amusingly complex sorting

of words into a rigorous sort

mixing the modern with the ancient

in a grandiose but gratifying exercise

for someone alarmingly obtuse, that’s me.

True it’s a silly but venerable departure

from the usual free form

poetry of today, a studious reforming

of strict word and line sequences sorted

as a puzzle with no allowed departure

from rules set by ancient

scribblers and stumbled upon by me

in search of a writing exercise

to accompany a new physical exercise

program to improve the bodily form

comprising the being that’s me;

mind and body in a sort

of new union not yet too ancient

to stand firm against an immediate departure.

The first and last words of any departure

are the hardest as are the strains of exercise

wresting one hobbled by ancient

habits into a different form,

a healthier yet still complex sort

so please have mercy on me.

Must ancient rules of departure

apply to me? A self-imposed exercise

can form a mind ever out of sorts.

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