Sensitive Consciences

Proverbs 28:14 Blessed are those who have a tender conscience, but the stubborn are headed for serious trouble. (NLT)

He was headed for trouble but it wasn’t anything anyone could do. He was his own man. But one old man tried-although reluctantly, and then only because God demanded it.

The first man’s dilemma resulted from stubbornness. He had enslaved God’s people. He worked them hard and rewarded them little, and God wasn’t happy. So he sent the second man to warn the first man.

Moses gave Pharaoh an option. Release the captives and let them return to their homeland or God would send plagues to persuade him. He refused the first option and inherited the second-in the form of frogs, flies, gnats, darkness, bloody water, dead livestock, hail, boils, locusts, and the death of every firstborn child and animal.

Pharaoh finally loosed the captives, but he could have saved himself and Egypt a lot of trouble had he listened earlier. Soon after releasing them, his stubbornness returned, and he and his men pursued the freed labor force, following them into a watery grave. Stubbornness can be life threatening.

I’ve been known to be stubborn a time or two. It took years to realize how smart my parents were. And I was amazed at how quickly they gained their brains. Eighteen years of ignorance transformed into intelligence in the course of one year.

Like Pharaoh I’ve also been known to ignore God a few times. His voice speaking through my conscience was quite clear, but I let stubbornness fuzzy it up. His suggestions were contrary to my plans and a little frightening to boot. “Go where?” “Forgive who?” “Do what?” “You’ve got to be kidding God.” So God had to send some plagues as attention getters. You know, the ones that make life meaningless even though you are alive.

Life is always more pleasant when our consciences are tender. Filling our minds with God’s teachings transforms them into trustworthy guides so we can clearly hear God as he speaks. So go like Moses and don’t listen like Pharaoh.

Prayer: Lord, assist us in preparing our consciences so we can hear you clearly and discover life’s fullness.
(photo courtesy of Arvind Balaraman at

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