Seeing a Doctor for an ACL Knee Injury

Previously published in examiner

There are various sports injuries that require specialized care. McGill University’s Sport Medicine Clinic in Montreal is one of the best sports medicine clinics in the world. “services include acute care coverage, electrotherapy, assessment and treatment by physiotherapists and athletic therapists, biodex isokinetic testing, consultations in sport psychology, nutrition, osteopathy and massage and taping.”

An ACL injury happens when there are sudden stops or directional turns applied in the game of basketball, volleyball, soccer or tennis and some other sports.

Though most ACL injuries are related to exercise and sports, the tearing of the ligament has been known to happen when a person slows down to turn direction with their foot firmly planted (not moving with the turn), twisting the knee, or overextending it.

Seeing the doctor

Most people cannot stand the pain and seek a doctor immediately, some wait a bit and make an appointment with their own doctors. Others are referred to a doctor in sports medicine if the injury was a result of sporting injury; especially when the athlete is participating in team or national and international sports.

Like with all injuries you must be aware of when the symptoms first occurred, and what you are doing at the time you experienced your knee pain. Be sure to note if there was swelling immediately and if you remember hearing a loud popping sound. You must decipher how severe you feel the pain is and if it goes and comes or remains continual. Your doctor will ask you if you have you noticed if you pain gets worse or eases up and if so what are you doing while this is happening? The doctor will also ask you if your knee seems to block or feels like it locks when you move it? Another question your doctor will ask Is if your knee feels strong or do you feel it is unstable or unable to support your weight? All these questions are necessary to determine the severity of the injury.


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