Preparing Your Child for Preschool

If you have made the decision to enroll your child in preschool for the first time, you are no doubt filled with a range of feelings that may include excitement, anxiety, and more. Preschool can be a wonderful experience for your child that allows him or her to grow and develop, and to develop a lifelong love of education and socialization. Preparing your child for the first few days of preschool can help to make the experience far more enjoyable in the long run for him or her. So what can you do to help your child get ready for preschool? Here are some tips to consider:

Adjust Nap Time and Mealtime: Your child is likely on a set schedule at home that includes meals, snacks, and naps at a certain time of day. Check with your preschool to determine what time of day these events take place in the classroom, and then make an effort to transition your child’s schedule to meet the class schedule. This will help your child to feel more in tune with the natural rhythm in the class.

Get Supplies Ready: Most preschools ask that you bring in supplies like a nap mat, markers and crayons, or other supplies. They may also ask you to pack an extra change of clothes, a special blanket for nap time, and more. Include your child in these preparations so he or she can get excited about going to school. Even consider getting a small backpack to make the big day more special.

Talk About the Day: One of the most important things you can do to get your child ready for the first day of preschool is to talk about the day. It is not a good idea to spring the idea of leaving him or her in a strange location all alone at the last minute. Talk about what he or she will do in the class, what time you will be back to pick him or her up, and how much fun he or she will have.

Spend Time in the Class: If your preschool will allow it, ask if your child can drop by the classroom for an our here or there on the days leading up to the first day. You can stay in the class for a few minutes, and then walk out of the classroom. You can try to come and go naturally, but gradually increase the length of time when you are out of the classroom. This will allow your child to get used to being in the classroom without you.

These basic steps can help you make those first few days of preschool fun and exciting for your child!

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How Positive is Your Parenting?

Helping Your Kids Through Fights with Friends

Kids and Friend Drama: When to Step In

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