P90X Exercise Options when You Travel

The P90X workout is a DVD program that you can perform while traveling, with some adjustments. These workout recommendations use four-minute exercise rounds, with each minute of the round devoted to a different muscle group. Adjusting the exercises for the space and equipment you have available make this popular DVD workout travel-ready. Completing four or five rounds in a hotel space will give you a high-intensity workout and give the satisfaction of knowing that you are staying on track with the program when away from home.Cardio: The first minute of each adjusted P90X round is a cardio exercise. Choose four to five cardio movements that you can perform in your hotel room or gym area. Cardio exercises that you can do for the P90X program while traveling include running in place, jumping jacks and fast feet ladders where you move your feet quickly as if you are jumping in and out of ladder rungs. If the fitness area of the hotel gym has a high ceiling, you can pack a jump rope with which to perform your cardio. All you need to worry about for the cardio exercise portion is finding the best way to workout at a fast pace that gets your heart rate up. Core:The second one-minute of each round works the abdominal muscles. Choose abdominal exercises that you can perform in a small space, such as crunches, waist twists, the plank, and double-leg abdominal lifts. Focus on holding the abdominal muscles tight during each movement to engage the muscles and make them work harder. Legs: The third one-minute exercise in each round works the leg muscles. Exercises that focus on the leg muscles, and work well for a hotel room, include lunges, squats, leg raises and jump squats. Complete as many repetitions of each exercise as you can in one minute, keeping good form to prevent injury. Upper Body: The fourth minute of each P90X round focuses on the upper body. Since you are unable to use a pull-up bar while travel, consider doing push-ups. There are several variations of the push-up, with each working different upper body muscles. In addition to the standard push-up, include the military push-up, wide push-up and triceps push-up. Keep proper form with a straight back to prevent injury.

Consider bringing the P90X DVD with you when traveling if you have access to a laptop computer or television that can play a DVD. This lets you follow the workout and make adjustments to the movements you are unable to perform due to lack of equipment or space. Add resistance bands to any of the movements you are completing to increase the intensity of the workout.

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