Morning Thoughts

Drowning out the pouring rain that came upon the cold new morning,
Was the sound of the alarm piercing through the warm still air.
Dreams still lingering as an echo of the past as I mustard up the strength
Just to slip out from under the warm bedding into the colder air of the room.

The closed blinds hindering the morning light gave the room an earlier time,
Yet the morning was slipping by faster than I had anticipated.
The smell of breakfast permeated the cool air through the vents,
While a shower was calling out to me. “Please come, and get clean.”

The chirping of birds could still be heard as the hot water poured over me.
Muscles became more relieved with longer bouts of the hot water coming down.
Alas, it was more than inconvenient to try and hold onto the sliver of soap,
Which kept slipping from my grasp even while attempting to pick it up.

Drying off I could feel the release of the sleepiness subsiding.
“It was inevitable that this day would come,” so I thought.
Work is work no matter how one looks at it even when it is unwanted.
Tucking my shirt into my jeans, I checked to see if I should shave.

No matter, I could to this latter on during the day.
Why do I …nevermind. I know the answer to the question.
The poetic license I give myself whether it rhymes or not,
As long as I am doing something I enjoy.

Breakfast was good as usual, and the dishes were set to the side.
I could do those when lunchtime comes, but off to work in my office.
I really don’t feel like doing much today, but money needs to be made.
Seems I cannot keep up with bills even with income. Work, work, work.

“…but only God can make a tree.” So where is my inspiration heading this morning?
Should I read something first or just jump in with guns a blazing?
Sometimes the latter works for me, but then again it may end up becoming ramblings.
Praying first is a must to seek guidance that I would normally lack.

Oh, the writer’s block is not what I need at this present time.
There must be something of interest to others besides my mundane life.
Surely I can think outside of the box, reinvent myself in some way to be appealing.
There it is, but the thoughts are all going this way and that without a constant bind.

Which of these directions should I endeavor upon for the first piece of work?
Money, relationships, art, gardening, etc; they all are good subjects.
A good shoulder massage sounds so much better to me right now.
Ah! There it is. Someone must be reading over my shoulder.

As much as I would rather be doing something else, work needs to be done to provide.
The other one here agrees. She hardly ever wrong, so she says.
Then again, I could have a knot on my head for days for disagreeing
Better to not be in the doghouse than to wonder. Work must be done..

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