Is the Death Penalty a Punishment or a Blessing

Some folks like to say that two things are certain, death and taxes. I will venture to say that only one thing is certain. One can opt out of paying their taxes by going to jail. With death, their are no options, no evasive actions or moves one can take to bargain with death. We were born and we will die, just that simple.

For the most part, I believe the majority of us take life very seriously and make a sincere effort to enjoy it to the fullest. Most of us recognize the fact that as we age, some of our stamina and abilities to do certain things will slowly dissipate.

Getting old is not the friendliest companion the body and mind can wish for. Ask most any elderly person about the problems they are confronted with while trying to climb three flights of stairs. If they are really old, they will not attempt that task in the first place. If you happen to ask them why not, they will want you to pull up a chair so they can vent about all of their many aches and pains.

I am in no way mocking or making fun of the elderly, just stating facts. Which by the way, some of the stated conditions will affect me as well as you. Matter of fact, I am only a few steps from there. It can therefore be concluded that the aging process will affect our quality of life.

This is one of my problems with the death penalty. If one is put to death during their early years, society is stopping them from getting old. If it should ever come to pass that we as humans become exempt from death, then by all means, use the death penalty. Otherwise, putting someone to death is giving them an easy way out of life.

If society wants to really punish a criminal, let him for the rest of his life know he will be behind bars with very limited freedoms. Let him on a daily basis live with the consequences of his actions hanging over his head. Moreover, with all the monetary factors, i.e. court cost, lawyers, etc., it is cheaper to keep the criminal alive.

Let him grow old in that small cell while he experience all the pains associated with getting old. To put someone to death prior to them entering that old age process, only serves to lessen the future pains they would have experienced.

I am sometimes perplexed by some of the methods we apply in resolving certain issues. For example, if a horse, dog, cat, duck or most any other animal is harmed and under going severe pain, we will mercifully put them to sleep so they will not continue to suffer.

If that scenario was reversed and you wanted the aforementioned animals to suffer, you would keep them alive. It therefore seems to me that the same can be said of the criminal, if you want him/her to suffer, keep them alive so they can suffer through the pains associated with getting old.

Finally, I need help in understanding how a person can be an advocate for the death penalty and that same person will proclaim he or she is pro-life. Too much for me to comprehend.

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