Is Nursing a Career Option for You?

Imagine: the EMS telephone rings in your ED. A 55 year old male choking victim in cardiac arrest is being brought in with an ETA (Expected time of arrival) of less than three minutes. Your adrenalin starts pumping and you immediately feel your heart rate quicken. You notify the physician, clear the halls, pull out the crash cart and get IV fluids and equipment. The clerk then announces over the hospital PA: “Code Blue in the ED.” Do you have what it takes to work in an Emergency Room? What kind of person can endure the grueling and often heart wrenching situations that are part of the regular 12 hour work day?

Is Nursing for you?

Nursing is certainly not for those who are weak in stomach or who come unglued in emotional circumstances. As a matter or fact, emotionally charged situations arise daily and the nurse is often called upon to be the support for family members who receive troubling news. Therefore, the nurse must minister not only to the patient but also to the worried family members. Spirituality and love of others are qualities of a good nurse. If one is not willing to go above and beyond the call of duty, then nursing is not for you.

Rise above the call of duty

Consider this scenario, what do you think that you can do if a snowstorm or hurricane occurs and your relief can’t get to the hospital? Obviously, going right home is an option. Many nurses find themselves tied up over one hour after the end of their shift. It’s called: Dedication.


Remember that education is ongoing as changes are taking place rapidly and a nurse is expected to keep abreast of changing trends.

Many nurses study unfamiliar diagnoses in order to provide the best care possible. They also advocate for their patients by questioning the MD about orders that may not be in the patient’s best interests.

Genuine satisfaction

Even with the challenging aspects of nursing, it is an immensely satisfying work in helping those who are unable to help themselves. That is the true demonstration of love and caring for others as for one’s self.

So, if all of the above outlined aspects of nursing sounds like something that you could rise up to, go ahead, you might just be one of the special few who have that special calling.

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