Instructions 1-7: Structured Lessons in Writing

Instructions 1-7: Structured Lessons in Writing

The summary of instructions of the structured lessons in writing enumerated as follows:

Lesson 1: Work with a partner. Go over the useful expressions in the box. Without looking at the list, write what the leader can say when the following situations occur during an open forum, symposium, or even just a group discussion in class.

Lesson 2: Build sentences around the following headwords using the given cues by using single-word or compound adjectives.

Lesson 3: Complete each sentence with the correct word from the given set. Give the equivalent phonetic symbol of the underlined letter combination.

Lesson 4: The words found after each key word are its synonyms and antonyms. Guided by the key word, select and group the synonyms and antonyms separately. Write also the equivalent phonetic symbol of the underlined letter combination.

Lesson 5: Complete the words in the following sentences by adding -ar, -er, or or when they are deemed necessary.

Lesson 6: Choose one of five passages that follow. Mark the places where you should normally pause: a single diagonal line (/) for a short pause, double diagonal lines (//) for a final pause. Mark the words you don’t know how to pronounce. Consult a dictionary and pronounce them accurately. Practice reading aloud the passage of your choice. Be ready to read it to your teacher individually for grading.

Lesson 7: Prepare a report about any aspect of the life and culture of any of these countries: China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand. Prepare visual aids (drawings, pictures, transparencies for an overhead projector) for a more effective presentation and delivery of your

report. Observe the steps to take in preparing reports. Likewise, prepare to write and deliver an oral report on any of the types of literature (epics, folklore, poetry, the short story, the novel).

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