How to Regain Trust in a Relationship

How to regain trust in a relationship

Trust is earned, not given. Once it has been broken, it is hard to get it back. A person’s trust is usually broken through deceit and lies.

Have you broken someone’s trust and want to regain that trust? Here are some tips to follow. Just remember the process will not be easy or quick to recover.

Apology. Apology is the first step. An apology lets the other person know you are remorseful. The apology must be heartfelt and the person must mean it. If not, it won’t be accepted – not now, not ever.

Never lie again. Lying becomes a nasty habit. A little white lie hurts just as much as a big one. One lie becomes one lie after another. The second and third lies cover up the first one and so on. It is best to always be truthful no matter how hard or hurtful the truth may be.

Space. Space is often required to help the relationship. Do not overcrowd them. It will only push them farther away from you. I’m sure that isn’t what you want to happen. Time away does help heal wounds.

Trust will not be earned back over night. It takes a very long time to rebuild. There will always be doubt in the back of your head. Doubts will always be lurking. You will question them, with everything they do. The healing process from a broken trust is a deep wound that may never heal.

This isn’t just about trust in a relationship. It can be a friendship, business related or children and their parents. Trust is often misused and taken for granted. It is always accepted to be there, when in reality it won’t always be around.

A broken trust is like a broken heart. It won’t heal completely. The pain and mistrust will always be there to remind you of what was done to you. Relationships can be mended. It will take dedication and hard work. The person who lost the trust in the first place must prove themselves worthy again to those they mistreated.

Do not let the person go without a fight. The relationship may never be the same again. But the relationship or friendship can become stronger after such an incident. If you can regain the trust and move past it, you can get through anything that life will throw at you.

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