How to Effectively Resolve Problems with a Public School

Dealing with a public school can make you want pull your hair out. We have all been there before. The bureaucratic stalling and useless attempts to derail or diffuse your anger can be more frustrating than the problem itself. But this does not have to be the case. Simply pull your hair back, inform yourself and set yourself to confidence.

Approaching the Problem the First Time
When you are approaching the problem for the first time, do not appear angry, even if you are. Remember, the staff may or man not know about the problem yet. Approach with confidence and accuracy. Do not approach as if you are going ot be insulting, or yell.

Ask to speak to the school principal or the vice principal. This will get you right to the top and basically the person you will end up with anyway. Calmly explain the issue that are having with confidence that it will be resolved. After explaining the situation, ask if they are able to fix the issue and follow up with you on the matter.

If they state that infact they will help you, simply state that you will follow up in writing on what the two of you discussed and that you would appreciate if they would respond to ensure that you correctly understood the conversation.

If they say they cannot help you, ask them who can.

Approaching the Problem the Second Time
Unfortunately with schools sometimes you must face the same problem somewhere between one and 100 times. On the second attempt to resolve a problem, make your request only in writing. Contact your local school board to find out the local superintendent’s email and cc them a copy.

This makes it known to the principal, that you are going to make sure the problem is known and that it needs to be remedied as soon as possible.

Approaching the Problem after No Resolution
Attend a PTA meeting and bring up your problem. Attend a school board meeting and address your problem. Be persistant with the issue and you will get through to them that the problem is serious and you will not stop until it is resolved.

This method only holds if your child has not been struck by another student or staff member. If your child has in fact been struck by someone else, call the police and have them meet you at the school. File a police reporte immediately after the incident to ensure that your child is not hit again.

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