How to Customize the Reception Line of a Wedding?

For some types of receptions that you may be hosting it is tradition to have a reception line in place. It is proper to do this at the end of a wedding ceremony and before people move on to the reception. Since the guests at the wedding will remain seated while the bride and groom walk out, the wedding party and the parents follow along. It is customary for all of them to stand in a single line at the exit of the location of the wedding.

As the guests file out they go past the reception line. This is a time to say hello to those you know and to meet those you don’t. Since weddings often bring together so many people it is an exciting time. There is plenty of opportunity to meet some new people that will become your friends later on.

Since everyone knows the bride or the groom at the wedding this is where the biggest group of people will spend the most time. Don’t get impatient though as the reception line can take a while to complete. People shouldn’t be hogging the floor as they move through it but they shouldn’t feel rushed either.

Most of the guests enjoy gathering outside of the ceremony and talking with each other until the reception line has been completed. This way they can wish the bride and groom farewell as they drive away. The tradition of having a reception line at the actual reception is common as well. This is because so many people show up to this part of the event that may not have been able to go to the wedding ceremony.

You have the option of a reception line or not for any type of event you host. It is something most people expect but it isn’t a requirement. If you really want to thank everyone personally for showing up though this is the best way to do it. Too many hosts feel a reception line prevents them from being able to mingle in a more relaxed environment though.

Another alternative is to announce the main people at the event during a break in the reception. A short speech can be given to thank everyone for coming and to encourage them to enjoy the event. You may want to find customize the reception line to fit the type of event you are hosting.

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