Help Your Overweight Dog Lose Weight

Pet obesity is rising, and according to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), most of our dogs and cats in America are overweight or obese. An overweight dog is a dog who is grossly unhealthy and in danger of heart disease and joint issues, but you can help your dog lose weight. Find out how.

When I found out that my dog (an Aussie mix) was seven pounds overweight, I didn’t think that was a big deal. That is, until my vet (Dr. Fulcher, DVM) explained to me that seven pounds over her ideal frame was a big deal- she was carrying around 10% more body weight than she should have. That perked my ears up, and I quickly followed his advice.

Measure out your dog’s food. How many of us just grab a few handfuls of dog food and toss them in the dish? Turns out, most of us (guilty) are massively overfeeding our pooches. Measure out your dog’s food according to the packaging on the your dog’s food label, or talk to your vet about how much you should be feeding your dog. You are probably feeding your dog way too much.

Watch those dog treats. Dog treats should make up no more than 10% of your dog’s daily diet, so if he’s eating more scraps than dog food, then you know your dog’s weight is going to suffer. How can you tell if your dog is getting too many scraps? He’s not eating his food, and begging instead. Keep dog treats (and those human goodies) at a minimum, or you can feed him as many carrot sticks as he can stand.

Exercise the pooch off your pooch. Even the most obese dog can and should get exercise. It’s mentally and physically stimulating. Even if you only walk your dog to the end of the street and back, if you do that 5 days a week you will notice great improvement in your dog. At least aim for a fifteen minute walk several times a week if your dog will allow it. If you can’t get out for a walk, give your dog some exercise in the yard.

Up your dog’s food quality. I substituted a third of my dog’s normal food (Purina) with peas, carrots, and cooked, plain chicken. Dog food alone is not going to help your dog lose weight, you need to help your dog out. I cook her meats that are freezer burned and unsavory for the family to eat and she eats the same vegetables we do with dinner. Plain quality food can up the dietary nutrition in your dog’s diet, and help them stay full- and lose weight.

Love your dog enough to commit to his weight loss. A dog should lose no more than .2-.5% of its weight in a single week, which means your dog is going to need months of work in order to lose weight healthily. You have to be willing to make a genuine effort to help your dog lose weight. You can’t expect miracles overnight. If you can’t commit the time to your dog’s weight loss, it likely won’t happen. Be patient and consistent while you help your overweight dog lose weight. It will pay off with more healthy years of life left in your beloved pooch.

Sources: (pets)

Dr. Fulcher, DVM (my vet)


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