Fixing Vehicle Paint Scratches

No matter how careful we are with our precious automobiles one thing that you just can’t really control is getting scratches on them. Sometimes it may not even be our fault but nevertheless, the vehicle got a scratch on it and we have to do something about it. Here you will learn a couple of pointers that will help you restore your car to what it looked like before the scratch.

1. The first thing that you want to do about your vehicle paint scratches is to get your hands on some touch up paint. This will be the trickiest part because it can be difficult to get the exact shade of the color you need. If you want to get it right then your best option is to go to your car dealer. It will cost more than just ordering it online for example but you can be sure it will be the exact match.

2. The next thing that has to be done is repair. Anybody can do this so you do not have to panic. Repair has to begin with cleaning of the area. Get a piece of steel wool and put an object such as a pencil within it so that you can have a nice homemade pointed scourer. Clean the scratch and the area around it very lightly with your tool so as not to make the problem greater. What you need to look out for apart from making the scratch bigger is to not leave behind any rust in the groove, make sure to get it all. Once you are finished with this then just hose it down and wait for it to dry.

3. The last bit in handling vehicle paint scratches is the actual painting of the scratched areas. Begin this by reading the instructions given on your can of paint. Men never like to do this but you do not want to come out with a shoddy looking repair that may even depreciate the value of your car on the day you decide to sell it. Take your brush and make sure that you brush the paint on in only one direction. It will give the best results. Make sure that you fill the cleaned groove but do not go overboard and make the paint overflow or run. Take your time and then leave to dry.

4. Last but not least apply a clear coat on the area and you are done.

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