Do You Take Hearing for Granted?

Possibly you take for granted the precious gift of hearing. Did you realize you can hear multiple sounds at a time? What if you could not hear any sound? What if you could only hear partial sounds?

Have you ever stopped to really hear the birds chirping, the rain falling, the wind blowing, a car’s tires squealing, sirens sounding, your own voice, a baby crying, a dog barking, a cat meowing, a door bell ringing, or a telephone ringing? These are all sounds that possibly you and I have taken for granted.

I once needed to have my ear irrigated, because wax build up plugged my ear. Before the removal, I remember one of the worse feelings that I had. I could not hear from my one ear. I relied heavily on the other ear for my hearing. I could hear bits & pieces of conversation. I would ask others to repeat themselves often. I would turn the television up loud. It was frustrating for me. I felt a sense of disconnection with others. I could just imagine someone that was unable to hear at all. Besides the plugged ear, the gland around that ear was swollen as well. I eventually needed antibiotics for the swollen neck glands. I had made the mistake of using a q-tip swab. The doctor informed me that was something I should not have done, because it sometimes impacts the wax further into the ear. I was instructed rather to use a facecloth and with my finger gently clean the inside of my ear.

After my ear was irrigated, which was the squirting of water and Hydrogen peroxide in my ear, I proclaimed, “I can hear again.” That was a relief. I felt like a child that just received some candy. I was shown the amount of wax that was in my ear. I could not imagine that much in my ear, but it was.

Sometimes we do not appreciate what we have, until we no longer have it. Take time and appreciate the gift of hearing. Appreciate it while you have it.

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