Dealing with a Bad Economy in Florida Through American Ingenuity

Dealing with a bad economy in Florida means more work. As a stay-at-home father, I have stayed home (during the day) for seven years and have delivered pizza at night. Over the past three years the pizza delivery business in Florida has taken a hit like all the service industries.

Out of necessity I found a job as a beer vendor for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. We needed the extra money because my wages at the pizza delivery job was cut in half. I enjoy working for the Bucs and taking a look at the games whenever I have a chance.

This year, I have had to cut my expenses because of the bad economy in Florida. I cut out my home phone, my internet service, Netflix and Terminex. I also sold my Lexus LS 400 to my brother which cut my car insurance by one hundred bucks a month.

This year, a group of vendors and I will be working Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Miami Dolphins, Jacksonville Jaguars, USF Bulls, Tampa Bay Rays and other venues to make ends meat. Some of the other vendors quit their service jobs and took on Vending full-time. This is because the bad Florida economy really took a large bite out of the service industry.

If you see me missing on this site (off and on) check out the NFL schedule and you will know what part of Florida I am working in. Last weekend, we worked two Tampa Bay Rays games, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers opener and the Miami Dolphins Monday Night Football. The travel is hard, but the pay is good and takes a bite out of my bills.

This is how I am dealing with a bad Florida economy. American’s all over the country are finding ways to deal with the bad economy and make ends meat to feed their families. My family is one of the lucky ones because my wife has a good job as an accountant. Without her salary, we would be in a financial mess.

It would be cool to find out how other American’s are using their Ingenuity to deal with the rough economy in all different parts of our country. Next week I will tell you about my new stay at home father review and give-away blog and try to teach others how we are saving money on all different levels to help our family’s finances. check me out at Daddy Waddy Weereviews.I will also tell you the story about how my five year old daughter came up with the name of my blog when she was only four years old.

Thanks President Obama For all of your useless ways to create jobs for American’s
Daddy Waddy Weeviews
Our Bad Economy in Florida

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