Cold Day of Halloween

Wow! tonight is mighty cold, too cold for a regular October fright night celebration. I wonder whats happen over at that house that no one has lived in about a year now? Hey, we better go over and see because we don’t want any Friday the 13th stuff going on. That wind is getting stronger as we motion towards the old house.

Somebody’s looking out the upstairs window, who could that be, no one has been seen in that house in over a year since Mr. Taylor moved out. “Maybe mine eyes are playing with me” or is that a real live ghost, pardon the pun.

The curtain closes as we make mention of what we saw or didn’t see up there. Arriving at the front door we are freaked due to the door being ajar and cob webs everywhere. Peeking in , I don’t see a sole, as far as any bodily movement is concerned, should we go in or what, we take a vote and we’re in there in a cloud of smoke.

There are fresh looking fixtures with some dusting going on around the room. Someone or somebody has been in this house that we have not as of yet seen or been introduced to. We motion towards the kitchen where we hear pots and pans moving and sliding about, but no one is suppose to be in the house, “what’s really going on around here?” The kitchen door opens and Mr. Taylor peers in, scared that a ghost was in his kitchen trying to eat his food. What in the world is Mr. Taylor doing here, we hadn’t seen him in over a year? He said that he came back recently to try sale this old house finally and gets some much needed cash. He was trying to clean up a bit and thought he’d come by because a customer is coming to see the place in the morning. Sorry for the confusion, especially, on this cold Halloween night!

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