Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3: Just Another Sequel

Out of all the modern game genres, war is the one I like the least due to several reasons. When I received the chance to play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 by my brother, I was not exactly jumping at the opportunity but I thought that I might as well give it a fair shot.

There’s no doubt that the graphics are splendid because that is what Xbox games are known for. All the guns your player holds have been finely crafted by the game designers. The only complaint I would have is that the cars in the game look out of place compared to the rest of the graphics and the background. This is a problem in general for games that has yet to be fixed so it is not exclusive to MW3.

Game play is as smooth as ever, but there is not much else to say about it. Gamers expect the controls of sequels to improve. Critics praise the Call of Duty series for having the best single player game play of any first person shooter. This is hardly a compliment as most first person shooters like Halo are not worth playing alone. The story is basically the same; an infamous and all powerful terrorist needs to be stopped and you and your men are the only ones who can do it. All the planning and effort goes into the online multiplayer mode because it is more profitable.

Replayability depends solely on how much you play with your friends online. Since the Xbox focuses their games on this type of play, this should not be an issue for those who have bought the game. Playing with friends is the best part of Modern Warfare 3 and can lead to several hilarious mishaps.

For war game enthusiasts who have a significant amount of time to play with their friends online, I would definitely recommend this game. There are new achievements to unlock, new weapons, and new scenarios that are all worth a look if you can invest the time to appreciate them. The rest of us can stick to the second installment of the franchise. Next generation consoles should start to emerge soon and the upgrades to everything do not warrant spending the money for the latest and greatest sequel if the Call of Duty franchise was not your favorite in the first place.

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