Breathing Tips for COPD Sufferers

If you suffer from COPD, you are probably looking for solutions that will help your breathing problems. If you breathe better, you would feel better and could possibly be better productive. Here are some tips that may help you.

Stop Smoking

This sounds like a simple solution. If you have a breathing problem, stop smoking. Yet, wanting to stop smoking and being able to quit are two different things. However, a good incentive to stopping is the fact that if you do you will avoid further harm to your lungs. This may not reverse the problems you currently have, yet it will help keep from adding to your problems.

If you are finding it difficult to stop this habit, even though you really want to quit, talk to your doctor and see if he has some suggestions on some ways in which you may be able to quit.

Take And Understand The Medications That Can Help You

Yes, there are medications that can be used to treat COPD. Your doctor will prescribe the ones that he thinks are the best for your treating your individual case. Yet, you need to understand how each prescribed medication works. You should also understand that some medications will work faster than others. Some of the medications may even take up to one or two weeks before you may feel any improvement,

However, if you aren’t seeing any improvement within three weeks, you should speak to your doctor. He may want to adjust your dosage or he may want to change your prescription.

Watch Your Weight

When you have COPD problems, you may find that you have one of two weight issues. You may find that your body uses so much energy to breathe that you begin to lose a lot of weight. You may then have to begin eating more to make up for the amount you lost. Then there are others who may have extra amounts of weight all ready on them and this extra weight makes breathing more difficult. This means that these people really needs to shed some weight to help with their COPD issues.

Avoid Pollutants

If you are COPD sufferer, you need to avoid as many pollutants as you can. Pollutants can make it more difficult for you to breathe. These pollutants can include: smoke, fumes, strong perfumes, pollen and dust. You can help avoid a lot of these pollutants by running air conditioning in the summer time months

Staying Healthy

When a person has COPD he is more vulnerable of acquiring infections and colds. For this reason, he needs to do what he can to stay healthy. This means the person needs to eat right, consider taking a flu shot each year and definitely staying away from people that has colds and flus.

Go To Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Pulmonary Rehabilitation will teach COPD patients better breathing techniques and even teach them breathing exercises. This is essential for people who are lacking for oxygen on a regular basis.

Yes, COPD is a chronic condition. Yes, it is a condition that can change one’s life. Yet, it is a condition that one can live with and one can still have, while enjoying life.


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